
Paintings & enameling: the main type of paintings are water-based or solvent-based which have different hazards and risks . To select the proper protection, you have to know which type of paintings are used in the field and should also consider the HSE risk assesment results while selecting PPEs. Solvent-based paintings present mainly organic vapour hazards as VOCs in the application. However water-based paintings may not include VOC or low level of VOC's based on the painting composition.
Another situation you should consider is how you apply the painting: by spray gun or by brush. Each spray gun aplication needs at least particulate filter P3 protection. If brush painting is applied, combined gas and vapour filter with particulate filter P3 (recommended) should be used. MAASC is a suitable respiratory protection with P3 filter and its TM3 protection factor while using with its fan for painting fumes and dusts. The current MAASC is made with silicone and is thus suitable for water-based painting only.
Based on your HSE risk assesment, these filters could be used with negative pressure half-face mask, full-face mask or positive pressure masks with PAPRs or supplied air systems. Other required PPEs against particulates and splash of liquids should be used along with the respiratory protection products.
These could be nonwoven coveralls, eyes & face protection equipments e.g. googles or covering full face with either mask or hood, and chemical resistant gloves. If there is any hazard for the user head or feet based upon your HSE Risk Assesment, you should also select suitable hard hat and work shoes. The video from our website is a real example in a painting dedicated work environment. Could you note any missing PPE in this video?